12-17 2020
Foshan Oscar 3 wheels rollator are ready to ship
12-10 2020
Foshan Oscar Finished Products
12-03 2020
Foshan Oscar 3 wheels rollator with European and American patents
11-26 2020
Mass Production of Rollator TRA03_Foshan Oscar
11-19 2020
Foshan Oscar Welded Rollator Frame
11-12 2020
Dark Gray TRA03 in Packing
11-05 2020
Dark Gray TRA03 Assembly
10-22 2020
Semi finished for rollator production
10-15 2020
Foshan Oscar Factory Production Status
04-23 2020
Sales Team Training Program in March 2020
At the beginning of every year, we like to conduct a tranning program for our sales team. Today we head to the park near by the office, bring work and fun together.